Monday’s Government Relations and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

February 27, 2017  •  

Monday’s Government Relations and Ethics News

Government-Relations-NewsCampaign Finance

Billionaires and Corporations Helped Fund Donald Trump’s Transition” by Carrie Levine for Center for Public Integrity

Canada: “Lobbying Commissioner Probing Fundraiser Hosted by Apotex Chair: Democracy Watch” by The Canadian Press for The Globe and Mail

New Hampshire: “NH Senate Votes to Require Political Advocacy Groups to Register, Report Expenditures” by John DiStaso  for WMUR


David Brock, Donors Wade into State Fights” by Kenneth Vogel for Politico

Arizona: “Arizona House Passes Bills to Restrict Citizen Initiatives” by Mary Jo Pitzl  for Arizona Republic


White House Selectively Blocks Media Outlets from Briefing with Spicer” by Hadas Gold for Politico

Priebus Call to FBI Violated Norms, If Not Rules” by Isaac Arnsdorf for Politico

Law Professors File Misconduct Complaint Against Kellyanne Conway” by Sari Horwitz for Washington Post

Bobbleheads, Yes. Official Tweets, No. Federal Workers Wonder Where the Lines Are in the Trump Era.” by Lisa Rein for Washington Post

Republican Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Curb Protesting in at Least 17 States” by Christopher Ingraham for Washington Post

Kentucky: “Auditors Find Shoddy Management, Conflicts of Interest at Kentucky Horse Park” by Linda Blackford for Lexington Herald-Leader

Missouri: “Missouri Governor Shuns State Plane, Flies at Private Costs” by David Lieb (Associated Press) for Springfield News-Leader

South Dakota: “Flood of Bills Addresses IM22 Provisions” by Bob Mercer for Rapid City Journal


California: “Regulators Investigating SDG&E for Potential Lobbying Violations” by Joshua Emerson Smith in San Diego Union-Tribune

EU: “New Lobbying Rules Face Uncertain Future” by Harry Cooper for Politico

Illinois: “Former Obama Aide Fined $90,000 for Illegally Lobbying Emanuel on Uber’s Behalf” by Bill Ruthhart and Hal Dardick for Chicago Tribune


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