Monday's Government Relations and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

February 13, 2017  •  

Monday’s Government Relations and Ethics News

us_capitol-hiCampaign Finance

California: “Republicans Face $30,000 Fine from California Campaign Regulators” by Jim Miller for Sacramento Bee

Mississippi: “Senate Passes Its Campaign Finance Reform” by Geoff Pender for Jackson Clarion-Ledger

Tennessee: “Jeremy Durham Spent Campaign Funds on Suits, Sunglasses and Spa” by Dave Boucher and Joel Ebert for The Tennessean


Rural Americans Felt Abandoned by Democrats in 2016, So They Abandoned Them Back. Can the Party Fix It?” By David Weigel for The Washington Post


Lawyer at Major D.C. Firm Accused in Scheme to Sell Sealed Lawsuit to Suit’s Target” by Spencer Hsu for The Washington Post

Minnesota: “Auditor: U.S. Bank Stadium Authority violated core ethical principles with free tickets for friends and family” by Rochelle Olson for Minneapolis Star Tribune


Florida: “Want to Build a Marina in Miami? Lobbying Required.” By David Smiley for Miami Herald

New Mexico: “Lobbyist Loophole Fix Stalls in Senate Committee” by Sandra Fish and Trip Jennings for New Mexico In Depth

Tech and Social Media

Maryland: “Gov. Hogan’s Office Has Blocked 450 People from His Facebook Page in Two Years” by Ovetta Wiggins and Fenit Nirappil for The Washington Post

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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