Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

June 23, 2014  •  

Monday News Roundup

Government Relations NewsLobbying

K Street powerhouse loses founding partner” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

Is Akin Gump the New King of K Street?” by Marisa M. Kashino in the Washingtonian.

Lobbyists want spot on Team Scalise” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

K Street hits the jackpot with casino magnate” by Julian Hattem in The Hill.

Campaign Finance

Study Examines Role Of Citizens United Ruling On Politics” by Jim Letizia on WCBE.

National Party Committees Report May Financial Figures” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.

Alaska: “APOC staff says Anchorage mayor broke campaign finance law, proposes $187.50 fine” by Nathaniel Herz in the Anchorage Daily News.

Oklahoma: “Election Records: ‘Dark-Money,’ Campaign Groups Have Close Connections” by Oklahoma Watch & Clifton Adcock in KGOU.


‘Ms. Ethics’ Carol Dixon Remembered Fondly (Video)” by Colin Diersing in Roll Call.

Don Young Must Repay $59K for Improper Trips/Gifts” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.

Florida: “New Miami-Dade task force to target state public corruption” by David Ovalle in the Miami Herald.

Georgia: “Ethics commission to get new member” by Aaron Gould Sheinin in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Virginia: “Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe vetoes funds for ethics commission” by Rachel Weiner in The Washington Post.

Wisconsin: “Report: Scott Walker Accused of Campaign Finance ‘Criminal Scheme’” by Mark Murray in NBC News.

Wisconsin: “Scott Walker and campaign-finance law: Just how dodgy?” in The Economist.


Democrats Playing Defense in 2014 State Legislative Races” by Louis Jacobson in Governing.

Oklahoma: “Is Oklahoma Senate headed for a runoff?” by Cameron Joseph in The Hill.

Government Tech and Social Media

How the White House’s We the People E-Petition Site Became a Virtual Ghost-Town” by Dave Karpf in TechPresident.

Awareness, Tech Projects are Top Crowdsourced Goals in Government, Study Says” in Government Technology.

EU: “Lobbyists increasingly look online to influence EU policy” in Euractiv.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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