Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

April 21, 2014  •  

Monday News Roundup

Government Relations News


Chamber of Commerce Spends $19 Million on Lobbying in Q1” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.

Arizona: “The Top 5 Phoenix-area lobbying firms for 2014” by Dale Brown in the Phoenix Business Journal.

Missouri: “Missouri lawmakers take trips to Israel, California, New Orleans — on the lobbyists’ dime” by Kevin McDermott in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Missouri: “Lobbyists spent $200,000 on trips for Missouri lawmakers” by The Associated Press in The Kansas City Star.

Campaign Finance

Krauthammer: Campaign finance conundrum is unsolvable” opinion piece by Charles Krauthammer in Newsday.

California: “California lawmakers face divisive bills, special session” by Fenit Nirappil (Associated Press) in The Sun.

California: “Ethics panel wants more public funding available to candidates” by Soumya Karlamangla in the Los Angeles Times.

California: “Donnelly faces state campaign-finance investigation” by Seema Mehta in the Los Angeles Times.

Michigan: “Big dollar Michigan congressional races” by Charles Crumm in the Daily Tribune.

Minnesota: “Campaign finance lawsuits in Minnesota and other states take aim at contribution limits” by David Henry in MinnPost.

New Mexico: “Campaign finance reports misplaced in state database” by Sterling Fluharty in the Albuquerque Journal.

New York: “Legislators to tackle host of issues after spring break” by Joseph Spector in The Journal News.

West Virginia: “Statehouse Beat: Online campaign finance reporting system still facing problems” by Phil Kabler in Charleston Gazette.


California: “In political scandal, good government advocates see opening for ethics, campaign finance changes” by David Siders in The Fresno Bee.

California: “Leland Yee case: Disgraced California state senator’s legislative efforts fueled cash for campaigns” by Aaron Kinney and Jessica Calefati in the San Jose Mercury News.

Indiana: “Indiana Lawmaker’s Ethics Hearing Scheduled for This Week” by The Associated Press and Rick Howlett in WFPL News.

Kansas: “Investigator wants tougher legislative ethics laws” by John O’Connor in The Wichita Eagle.

Kentucky: “Lawmaker Calls For Ethics Committee Reform If Special Session is Called” by Jonathan Meador in WKU News.

Pennsylvania: “Ethical questions in trips revealed in corruption sting” by Mark Fazlollah in The Philadelphia Inquirer.


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