Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

April 14, 2014  •  

Monday News Roundup

Government Relations News


Comcast turns to K. St” by Julian Hattem in The Hill.

Florida: “Lawmakers move to tighten lobbying rules, but exempt themselves” by Anthony Man in the Sun Sentinel.

Campaign Finance

FEC Seminar for Trade Assns., Membership, and Labor Organizations” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.

Gillibrand’s Campaign and Others Pay Civil Penalties to FEC” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.

West Virginia: “Statehouse Beat: New website for campaign finance reports proving problematic” by Phil Kabler in the Charleston Gazette.


Office of Congressional Ethics Looking at Rep. Bobby Rush” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.

California: “Ex-city official gets nearly 12 years in scandal” by John Rogers (Associated Press) in The Sacramento Bee.

Colorado: “Twist in ethics complaint against Hickenlooper to be heard Monday” by Lynn Bartels in The Denver Post.

Georgia: “Ethics panel ʹbrokenʹ” by Chris Joyner in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Kentucky: “Lawmakers want to amend ethics this week” by Tom Loftus in The Courier-Journal.

Missouri: “Mo. Senate could consider ethics legislation” by The Associated Press in KOAM News.

New Jersey: “Former watchdogs accuse Christie of interfering with state ethics agency” by Salvador Rizzo in The Star-Ledger.

South Carolina: “South Carolina graded ʹFʹ for ethics laws as debate rages on” by Cuthbert Langley in WCBD TV News.

Washington: “Ethics Board: How much free food to allow?” by Brad Shannon in The Olympian.


10 questions that could decide Election 2014” by James Hohmann and Alexander Burns in Politico.

Government Tech and Social Media

Heartbleed Forces Emergency Maintenance of House, Senate Sites” by Hannah Hess in Roll Call.

Federal Websites Avoid Heartbleed Risks, DHS Says” by Aliya Sternstein in NextGov.


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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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