Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

August 29, 2016  •  

Monday News Roundup


Florida: “Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s Son Rose to the Top Skirting Lobbying Rules, Critics Say” by Francisco Alvarado for

Hawaii: “Just 2 Lobbyists Have Donated $650k to Hawaii Candidates in the Past 10 Years” by Jaelynn Grisso for Honolulu Civil Beat

Pennsylvania: “State Not Tracking Lobbying by Marijuana Companies” by Scott Kraus for Allentown Morning Call

Campaign Finance

Arizona: “State Regulator Subpoenas Utility Companies’ Campaign Spending Records” by Howard Fischer (Capitol Media Services) for Arizona Daily Star


Ethicists Scoff at Clinton Foundation Transition Plan” by Katy O’Donnell for Politico

Florida: “Florida Newspaper Kills Story of Local Official Allegedly Seeking Favors from Developer” by Marc Caputo for Politico

Maryland: “Anne Arundel Ethics Commission Executive Director Dies” by Amanda Yeager for Capital Gazette

New York: “Ken Thompson, Brooklyn District Attorney, Is Fined for Misusing Funds on Meals” by J. David Goodman and Alan Feuer for New York Times


California: “Legislature OKs Selfies at the Ballot Box” by Anshu Siripurapu for Sacramento Bee

Legislative Issues

California: “In California’s Democrat-Dominated Capitol, It’s Senate vs. Assembly” by Alexei Koseff for Sacramento Bee

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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