Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

April 4, 2016  •  

Monday News Roundup


Annual GAO Report on Federal Lobbying Compliance Shows Mixed Enforcement Bag: Fewer audits, more and larger enforcement penalties” by Andrew Garrahan for National Law Review

California: “Documentaries Like ‘Blackfish’ Influence California’s Capitol” by Alexei Koseff for Sacramento Bee

California: “Lawmakers Act to Shine Light on California Coastal Commission, Other Key State Boards” by Patrick McGreevy for Los Angeles Times

Campaign Finance

Arizona: “AZ Governor Signs Bill Easing Dark Money Rules” by Ryan Van Velzer (Associated Press) for Albuquerque Journal

Kentucky: “Judge Tosses Kentucky’s Ban on Corporate Campaign Donations” by The Associated Press for Lexington Herald-Leader

Mississippi: “Senate Passes Campaign Finance Reform” by Geoff Pender (Jackson Clarion-Ledger) for Hattiesburg American


Alabama: “Rebekah Caldwell Mason, and How Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley ‘Lost His Mind’ ‘” by Amber Phillips for Washington Post

California: “San Diego May Revamp Ticket Perk” by David Garrick for San Diego Union-Tribune


The American Idea in 140 Characters” by Vann Newkirk for The Atlantic

Targets of Trump’s Attacks Fight Back in D.C.” by Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman for Politico

Who Are the Angriest Republicans?” by Thomas Edsall for New York Times

Legislative Issues

Abortion, Guns and Gay Rights Offer Risks, Rewards for State Republicans” by Richard Fausset for New York Times

Missouri: “Political Insider Accused of Harassing Missouri Capitol Interns Can Return, with Conditions” by Alex Stuckey for St. Louis Post-Dispatch

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