Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

December 22, 2014  •  

Monday News Roundup

Government Relations NewsLobbying

California: “Santa Monica Could Require Lobbyists to Register” by Nikki Cervantes for Santa Monica Lookout

Pennsylvania: “Pennsylvania Lawmakers Will Be Challenged to Ban Themselves from Taking Lobbyists’ Gifts” by Marc Levy (Associated Press) for Columbus Republic

Rhode Island: “Mollis Concludes Former R.I. Attorney General Lynch Did Not Violate Lobbying Rules” by Katie Mulvaney for Providence Journal

Rhode Island: “Ruling Says Zaccagnino Lobbied for 38 Studios without Registering” by Katie Mulvaney for Providence Journal

Campaign Finance

New Software Helps Connect the Money Dots in Politics” by Eric Lipton for New York Times

New York: “Hotelier Avoids Prison for Violating Campaign Finance Laws” by Stephanie Clifford for New York Times


Lawyers Create Big Paydays by Coaxing Attorneys General to Sue” by Eric Lipton for New York Times

New Jersey: “New Jersey Paying Fees to a Financial Firm That Employs Christie’s Wife” by Kate Zernike for New York Times

Virginia: “Va. Del. Joseph Morrissey to Resign in Wake of Conviction but Run Again for His Seat” by Rachel Weiner for Washington Post

South Carolina: “S.C. House, Senate Clash over Ethics Reform” by Jeremy Borden for Charleston Post and Courier

Pennsylvania: “Ex-Traffic Court Judge Sentenced to Prison in Bracelet Case” by Julie Shaw for Philadelphia Daily News


Ohio: “Redistricting Reform Plan Passes House, Needs Voter Approval” by Jackie Borchardt (Northeast Ohio Media Group) for Cleveland Plain Dealer

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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