Maryland Governor Signs Contribution Disclosure Bills - State and Federal Communications

May 13, 2015  •  

Maryland Governor Signs Contribution Disclosure Bills

MarylandGov. Larry Hogan has signed 350 bills during a two part bill-signing ceremony on May 12, 2015. Among the bills signed are two bills clarifying and simplifying contribution disclosure requirements for lobbyist employers and persons doing public business.

Senate Bill 767 modifies the reporting threshold amount for lobbyist employers to include contributions in the aggregate amount of $500 or more, in order to match disclosure requirements of persons doing public business.

House Bill 769 clarifies that companies having a pre-2015 qualifying contract of $200,000 or more with the state are covered by the disclosure law, but not required to file an initial statement.

Both bills change semiannual reporting dates to May 31 and November 30, matching reporting dates for registered lobbyists. Since the bills are effective June 1, 2015, this year’s dates have been modified to August 31 and November 30.

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