PACs Archives - Page 2 of 4 - State and Federal Communications

On December 12, an appeals court found Tennessee laws barring nonpartisan PACs from donating to candidates within 10 days of an election violate the state constitution and cannot stand. The ruling from the Tennessee Court of Appeals reinforces an earlier […]

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At a meeting of the Senate Campaign Finance Committee, Sen. Jeff Golden proposed new regulations that would place ceilings on the amount of money individuals and various types of political committees could give to candidates, campaigns, and one another. Oregon […]

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Gov. Kate Brown signed two campaign finance bills requiring more disclosures in Oregon elections. House Bill 2716 requires advertisements supporting or opposing a candidate to disclose who funded them. The bill also requires ads funded by non-candidate PACs to disclose […]

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The Elections Commission adopted legislative rules to enforce the provisions in Senate Bill 622. Provisions include increasing campaign contribution limits and disclosure requirements for PACs and independent expenditure groups. The commission worked on language to better clarify what committees and […]

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Last week, Gov. Gary Herbert signed six bills amending the state’s campaign finance laws. Updates include amended registration and reporting requirements for political action committees (PACs) and political issues committees (PICs). Additionally, updates modify provisions relating to the statement of […]

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Gov. Kristi Noem recently signed several campaign finance bills into law. House Bill 1189 provides any person who is subject to a Class 2 misdemeanor for campaign finance violations up to seven days to cure the violations prior to having […]

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Gov. Jim Justice signed Senate Bill 622 on March 27, with an effective date of June 7. The bill increases campaign contribution limits allowing $2,800 to candidates, $5,000 to political action committees (PACs), and $10,000 to party committees. The current […]

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On February 26, legislation aimed at reforming U.S. campaign finance, lobbying, and ethic laws advanced in committee. The House Administration Committee approved of H.R. 1, the For the People Act, by a party-line vote of six to three. In the […]

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Today, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) published its price index adjustments for expenditure limitations and the federal lobbyist bundling disclosure threshold. The lobbyist bundling disclosure threshold has increased for 2019 from $18,200 to $18,700. This threshold amount is adjusted annually. […]

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Arkansas State Senators introduced several ethics bills on February 4, 2019. If passed, Senate Bill 260 prohibits direct contributions between PACs and Senate Bill 259 prevents a person elected or appointed to a constitutional office from forming more than one […]

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      Federal: In Trump’s America, the Conversation Turns Ugly and Angry, Starting at the Top WRAL – Peter Baker and Katie Rogers | Published: 6/20/2018 The politics of rage that animated President Trump’s rise now dominate the national conversation, as demonstrated […]

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A bipartisan working group of lawmakers unanimously approved a proposed bill amending the state’s campaign finance laws. Among the changes, the proposal would require year-round, monthly campaign finance reporting, prohibit PACs from accepting more than $1,000 from groups not registered […]

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A bipartisan working group of lawmakers unanimously approved a proposed bill amending the state’s campaign finance laws. Among the changes, the proposal would require year-round, monthly campaign finance reporting, prohibit PACs from accepting more than $1,000 from groups not registered […]

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Following suggestions from a working group of the legislature, Sec. of State Lawerence Denney presented a series of ethics and campaign finance draft bills to improve the state’s public disclosure system. The suggested changes include limiting PACs from accepting more […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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