I attempt to produce a weekly newsletter for my staff called, Notes for Next Week. I include a number of professional and personal development programs for the staff to attend. We request they each attend two events a quarter…Yes, that could be a lot, but they are great programs.

So, what are you attending in 2020? Think of how you can stretch and grow. I assure you whatever you attend is a win-win for you and your employer. You learn, you meet new people, and you bring back nuggets to pass on to your colleagues.

If you are in Akron, here is the list of what we are attending in the first two months.

  • Greater Akron Chamber starts its January Morning Buzz program, beginning at 7:30 am, Friday, January 17th, at Hilton Garden East. Ron Shea from R. Shea Brewery is the speaker.

  • Akron Urban League will hold its annual Martin Luther King breakfast from 7:30 am to 9 am, Monday, January 20th at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn.

  • Greater Akron Chamber will start its 2020 KNOW—Knowledgeable Network of Women—from 11:30 am to 1 pm, January 23 at the Greater Akron Chamber Event Space. The speaker will be Borbala Banto, founder of Concierge CPAs and Better Numbers for Lawyers. Her topic is "Courage—The Currency of the 21st Century Woman."

  • Akron Roundtable will hold its January program on Monday, January 27th. Ohio’s U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown will speak about his new book, Desk 88.

  • Heart-to-Heart Communications January quarterly breakfast will take place from 7:15 am to 8:45 am, Tuesday December 28th at United Way of Summit County. Bill Considine, CEO Emeritus of Akron Children's Hospital, will share Everything that Matters: Defining SUCCESS in life and leadership. He will discuss his newly published second novel, Success, and how this affects life and leadership.

  • Greater Akron Chamber Women’s Network Wake Up Akron will be from 7:30 am to 9 am Wednesday, February 5 at Akron Family Restaurant. The speaker is Marjorie Cook, Manager of Business Development and Sales at Eyedeal Graphics, and the topic is "The Five Love Languages of Business."

  • Greater Akron Chamber will hold a Legacy of Leadership dinner celebrating Don Plusquellic’s 42 years of dedicated service to the City of Akron and his continued efforts in bringing global business to the region. The program will be from 5:30 pm to 8 pm, Wednesday, February 5, at the JS Knight Center.

  • Akron Roundtable will hold its monthly program on Thursday, February 20 from noon to 1 pm at Quaker Station. The speaker is Leah Werner, Senior Program Manager at the Corporation for Supportive Housing.

  • The Akron Canton Foodbank Harvest for Hunger campaign begins at 7:30 am February 25th at the JS Knight Convention Center. State and Federal Communications is a sponsor and we have 16 seats for the event.

And that list doesn’t include the conferences we are attending, including the Public Affairs Council Institute, Public Affairs Council Advocacy Conference, and the Public Affairs Council PAC Conference. Can you tell we are huge fans of the Public Affairs Council? Each of these three programs help our staff understand the work we are doing for our clients and we get the opportunity to share the information we know with the participants.

There are definitely other conferences we attend, too. State Government Affairs Council (SGAC) will host its National Summit in Austin in May, the Association of Copy Editors Society will host its annual conference in Salt Lake City in April, and the National Conference of State Legislatures will host a number of meetings around the country this year, starting with the January Executive Committee in Austin. (Did I mention I have four conferences in Austin to attend in 2020?)

We will always keep you up to date on conferences we are attending. But, in the meantime, let your fingers do the walking on your keyboard and search items of interest for you.

2020 is a great year to be who you want to be.

Wishing you all the best this New Year.

Thank you.

Elizabeth Z. Bartz

President and CEO


Colorado Adopts 72-hour Disclosure Rules
for Professional Lobbyists

Joanna Kamvouris, J.D.
Manager, Research Services 

The Colorado Office of Secretary of State released amendments to the rules concerning lobbyist regulations, shedding light on disclosure requirements when a lobbyist has a new client or a new legislative position.

Rule changes concerning lobbyist regulation were required after Gov. Jared Polis signed the Lobbyist Transparency Act in May 2019. House Bill 1248, effective January 1, 2020, requires lobbyists to provide notice to the secretary of state within 72 hours of agreeing to lobby in connection with a new client, new legislation, or a new position on existing legislation.

To eliminate repetition of the Colorado Revised Statues, several rules were relocated during a rulemaking hearing in November. On December 13, the secretary of state issued a notice of adoption, indicating the rules are to be effective on a temporary basis January 1, 2020, and will become permanently effective 20 days after publication in the Colorado Register.

In accordance with the new Rule 2.8, a professional lobbyist agreeing to lobby for a new client while the General Assembly is in session must electronically disclose the identity of the new client within 24 hours and the legislation, standards, rules, or rates on which the lobbyist is lobbying within 72 hours. If a lobbyist agrees to lobby for an existing client in connection with new legislation, standards, rules, or rates while the General Assembly is in session, the lobbyist must electronically disclose the new legislation within 72 hours as well as whether the lobbyist’s client is supporting, opposing, amending, or monitoring the legislation. If a lobbyist takes a new position on legislation, standards, rules, or rates for an existing client while the General Assembly is in session, the lobbyist must electronically disclose the change of position.

Additionally, the Office of Secretary of State Lobbyist Program is developing a policy manual to help lobbyists understand and comply with legal requirements set out in the rules. The manual will be posted on the Lobbyist Program website as soon as it becomes available.


Note Recent Changes to Compliance Regulations 

Michael Beckett, Esq.,
Associate Director, Research Services

BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA: On May 4, 2020, several key changes of British Columbia’s lobbying law come into effect, including changing the name of the Lobbyist Registration Act to the Lobbyist Transparency Act. On November 25, 2019, the lieutenant governor issued the Lobbyist Transparency Regulation and proclaimed the May 4 date for the changes of Bill 54 to come into force. Bill 54 makes other changes including reducing the time threshold for requiring in-house lobbyists to register from 100 hours to 50 hours annually; adding a requirement for lobbyists to complete a monthly return containing details of actual lobbying activities in the previous month by the 15th of each subsequent month; and declarations in those returns of what code of conduct the lobbyists has undertaken and where it is available for public viewing. Additionally, there is a newly enacted prohibition on gifts from lobbyists, but does not apply if the gift is given under the protocol or social obligations normally accompanying the duties of a public office holder and the total value of the gift given is less $100 in a 12-month period. A new online Lobbyists Registry is in development to replace the current Lobbyists Registry.  

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: The city of Chicago announced a three-month delay for the effective date of an ordinance expanding the definition of lobbyist to include persons acting on behalf of a nonprofit if they undertake those efforts as a matter of professional engagement, regardless of pay or compensation. Ethics Ordinance 2019-5305, originally scheduled to be effective January 1, 2020, will provide exceptions to the registration requirements for persons who conduct nonpartisan analysis or research, provide technical advice, or examine broad social and economic problems.

ILLINOIS: The Office of the Secretary of State released a notice on December 17 that registration of lobbyists and lobbying entities will be delayed until January 6, 2020. The delay is due to the programming required to implement the registration changes required by Senate Bill 1639, which passed during the veto session in November. Senate Bill 1639 requires lobbying entities to report if they are registered or expect to be required to register to lobby a unit of local government.

NEW YORK: On December 19, the Joint Commission on Public Ethics launched the system-generated Client Semiannual Report (CSA) feature on the state’s online Lobbying Application system. Contractual clients who lobby on their own behalf and do not utilize the services of any retained lobbyists are not required to file CSA reports. Instead, system-generated CSA reports will be created with information directly imported from filed lobbyist bimonthly reports covering the applicable reporting period. The system will not create a system-generated CSA if an employed principal lobbyist has submitted a CSA report for the January to June reporting period. Also, contractual clients are still required to disclose sources of funding or indicate source of funding reporting is not required. No filing fee is required for system-generated CSA reports except to add retained lobbyist information. Adding retained lobbyists requires a $50 filing fee and filing CSA reports going forward.

OHIO: For the first time, the Ohio Lobbying Activity Center (OLAC) will accept electronic payment for registration renewals, meaning lobbyists who pay electronically will not have to print and mail anything to OLAC. A lobbyist may pay individually, by client, or simply by selecting the “add all pending items to cart” from the agent homepage and pay for renewals at one time. The renewal option closes on January 15, 2020. Registrations submitted after this date will require a signature page signed by both the lobbyist and the employer. For lobbyists who wish to still pay by check, the Office of the Legislative Inspector General must receive an invoice and filing fee no later than January 31 for each 2020 engagement.


At any given time, more than 1,000 legislative bills, which can affect how you do business as a government affairs professional, are being discussed in federal, state, and local jurisdictions. These bills are summarized in State and Federal Communications' digital encyclopedias for lobbying laws, political contributions, and procurement lobbying and can be found in the client portion of our website.

Summaries of major bills are also included in monthly email updates sent to all clients. The chart below shows the number of bills we are tracking in regarding lobbying laws, political contributions, and procurement lobbying.

  Total bills Number of Jurisdictions Passed Died Carried over
to 2020
Lobbying Laws 322 52 56 83 76
Political Contributions 590 60 91 168 159
Procurement Lobbying 347 51 54 89 87


The requirement to register as a lobbyist in some jurisdictions is triggered by engaging in lobbying or agreeing to lobby on behalf of an employer. However, many jurisdictions do not require registration until a threshold is met. Jurisdictions that have an expenditure threshold require registration for giving certain gifts to covered officials. If you are a non-lobbyist planning to provide gifts to covered officials, consult the Gift Law section in the Lobbying or Procurement Lobbying Compliance Law entries. If the jurisdiction has an expenditure registration threshold, notification of the threshold will appear just below the gift chart. Always check the registration threshold before becoming active in a jurisdiction, as the rules may allow you to avoid or delay registration. Even if an individual’s expenditures do not require registration, the expenditures may still need to be reported on the employer’s activity reports.



State and Federal Communications’ Experts
Answer Your Questions

Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc. Send your questions to experts@stateandfed.com. (Of course, we have always been available to answer questions from clients that are specific to your needs, and we encourage you to continue to call or email us with questions about your particular company or organization. As always, we will confidentially and directly provide answers or information you need.) Our replies are not legal advice, just our analysis of laws, rules, and regulations.

I heard Illinois enacted new
registration requirements. 
What do I need to know to
ensure we are compliant? 

In Illinois, lobbyist registrations must include identifying information, the name and address of one's client(s), the type of action(s) and agencies one intends to lobby, the nature of one's client’s business, and confirmation the lobbyist registrant has a sexual harassment policy. With the passage of Senate Bill 1639 on December 5, lobbyist registrants must disclose additional information on their Illinois registrations...


  Read the full article here



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Adrienne Borgstahl, Esq.;
Compliance Services

For more information, be sure to check out the “Registration” section of the
Lobbying Compliance Laws online publication for Illinois. 
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions

Congressman David Joyce from Ohio, Elizabeth Z. Bartz, State and Federal Communications, and Jon Spontarelli, Manager, Marketing and Digital Services .

When Akron Children's Hospital held their 2019,
this tree spoke to Elizabeth.  It was enjoyed by everyone.


Every once in a while, the stars align and an Intern or Part Time employee becomes a prize permanent employee.  We are fortunate to have had this happen several times.
[front row:  Anthony Didion, Zoe Wrisley, David Jones, Joanna Kamvouris, J.D.;
back row: Dave McPeek, Peter Keares, Sam Waller, and Alexandra Vernis, J.D.]

State Government Affairs Conference, LPC, Charleston, SC.

Friends and Colleagues for years meet up at SGAC LPC in 2019

Plan to say hello at future events where State and Federal Communications, Inc.
will be attending and/or speaking regarding compliance issues.

January 6-9

PAC Institute,
Laguna Beach, California

January 17-18

NCSL Executive Committee,
Austin, Texas

January 22-24

US Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting, Washington, DC

January 27

Akron Roundtable,
Akron, Ohio

February 3-6

PAC Advocacy Conference,
Las Vegas, Nevada

COMPLIANCE NOW is published for our customers and friends. 
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Click here to send us comments regarding the COMPLIANCE NOW e-newsletter.

State and Federal Communications, Inc. | Courtyard Square | 80 South Summit St., Suite 100 |
Akron, OH 44308 |
 | 330-761-9960 | 330-761-9965-fax | 888-4-LAW-NOW| www.stateandfed.com


The Mission of State and Federal Communications is to make sure that your organization can say, "I Comply."

We are the leading authority and exclusive information source on legislation and regulations surrounding campaign finance and political contributions; state, federal, and municipal lobbying; and procurement lobbying.

Contact us to learn how conveniently our services will allow you to say "I Comply" for your compliance activities.
