San Bernardino County Campaign Contribution Limits to Increase - State and Federal Communications

September 12, 2024  •  

San Bernardino County Campaign Contribution Limits to Increase

The Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance increasing local campaign contribution limits for corporations, PACs, and individuals who give to candidates and their committees.

Ordinance No. 4479 increases the current limit of $5,500 per election cycle to $10,000 per year.

The limit for political parties contributing to candidates jumps from $5,500 per election cycle to $100,000 per year.

A newly created oversight committee will be responsible for enforcing the new rules.

The county previously operated under the state’s default campaign contribution limits but localities are able to set their own limits.

The ordinance will be effective October 11 and will only apply to contributions made to, or received by, a candidate on or after the effective date.


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